We welcome back Chris Jones to decide what 5th quarter battles we would like to discuss this upcoming football season. We hope to select matchups good for conversation, good video and good fun shared between rivals. We also will critique the video that we have from the event to see what band was crankin' and what band was not. We would also like your help in this process.We want you to give us your feedback on potential matchups of 2012 that will be exciting to talk about.
This podcast is brought to you by SAY Marketing and Promotions, Block Band Music & Publishing, Kevin Peete of ReMax Patriots, Block Us Up - Band Blog, Smokee O's BBQ, Math-Sci Tutoring and Educational Services, Lamik's Video Sofia's BBQ and Fish, Bull City Music School, HBCU Recruitment Center, and Prodigious Music Concepts LLC
Check out our website http://www.themarchingpodcast.com/ you can email the show at marchingpodcast@gmail.com, find us on IG at themarchingpodcast, subscribe to us on Facebook at The Marching Podcast or tweet us @marchingpodcast, We hope you enjoy the show!